More and more of you are using DJUCED, and we thank you!
We are aware of the problems that some of you may unfortunately encounter when using third-party streaming services with DJUCED.
These are thankfully “rare”, but they do exist, and we want to fix them.
Please note that it is necessarily difficult to find a solution to a problem that our development teams cannot reproduce.
This is inevitably due to the diversity of computer hardware, operating systems, quality of Internet connection, response of streaming services servers…
In order to be transparent with you, we will list here the incompatibilities that you have reported to us, or that we have discovered, as well as their resolution status.
Actual status (DJUCED version 5.3.7): #
No problems so far.
YOU can help us #
If DJUCED crashes unexpectedly and the “BugSplat” window appears at the next startup, asking if you want to share the latest crash with the developers, please do so.
It’s a direct and anonymous link to our teams, and by doing so you help the whole DJUCED community.
Today, less than 1% of you are experiencing crashes with DJUCED.
Our goal is to get that last percent even lower.
That can’t be done without you.

Beatport Link – Beatsource Link #
No problems since DJUCED 5.3.3
Bug resolution:
SoundCloud GO+ #
With DJUCED 5.3.6, Service can disconnect after 30min/1hour of mixing.
It freezes the Soundcloud Go+ Playlist and remove the access to the service, until next DJUCED restart.
Security token between Soundcloud Servers and DJUCED access.
Soundcloud randomly revoke the access after some time.
Issue Resolution:
Solved in DJUCED 5.3.7
Tidal #
No problems since DJUCED 5.3.4
Issue Resolution:
Mixcloud #
No problems since DJUCED 5.3.4
Issue Resolution: