Released in 2016, the Hercules P32DJ is an innovative controller that offers a different and powerful way to make your mixes.
Thanks to a new version of DJUCED 40° that introduced sampler decks and advanced performance modes, such as Slip, Quantize, Sync, full effects controls, etc…
Due to its small dimensions, the P32DJ fits perfectly with your laptop in a backpack.
With the recent versions of DJUCED 5, the integration of the P32DJ is enhanced (with the arrival of the Beatmatch Guide and the Assistant), and also offers you the possibility to combine the P32DJ with your existing DJ controller, for even more possibilities, comfort, and creativity.
Let’s discover the different uses of this P32DJ.
3 – the P32DJ in controls Decks 3 and 4: offer yourself the 4 Decks mixing.
Thanks to its mapping already done, switch your P32DJ to control Decks 3 and 4, while your main DJ controller will take control of Decks 1 and 2.
The 4 Decks mix is pretty popular in the world of progressive electronic music, like House, Techno, and its sub-genres.
With the ability to make precise loops through its screens and the direct control of 6 effects to choose from with no need to change modes, the P32DJ will be your ideal weapon for performing.
It offers you the possibility to manipulate the Decks 3 and 4 decks with direct access, looping, equalizing, and synchronizing as you wish, for mixing without creative limits.
This new world opens up for you in your DJing journey.
Find out how to choose this alternative mapping here: P32DJ Alternative Mappings